
Sambal tumpang


My mom she is the one who introduced me to Javanese cuisine. She was born and grown up in central Java. When i was litle girl we all family moved to capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. Mostly i love Jakarta's food which is more varieties. Even though we were staying in Jakarta, my mom she always cooked Javanese food, and after all we do love Javanese cuisine also :)

Sambal tumpang the main ingiderents is tempeh and tofu, but sometimes they added boil egg or even chicken. Originally sambal tumpang used "tempeh bosok" (old tempeh which has became black colour) really making this sambal tumpang an exotic taste! I could't explane how was the taste but for sure i enjoyed it :)

Back to my hometown in central Java, everywhere you can find easly in the street vendor early morning. A lady selling food for breakfast and sambal tumpang one of the main course. usually they served with bubur or rice porridge.


Recipe source: my mom

-tempeh 200 gr, cut into cubes
-tofu 1 blok, cut into cubes then deep fry
-black gram dal 50 gr soaked in the water boiled then smash it
-kafir lime leaves 2
-galangal 2 cm
-small onion 6
-garlic 4
-red chili 6 ---> u can reduce if u don't like spicy
-kemiri or candle nuts 3
-dry small shrimp 1 tsp
-salt, and sugar for taste
-coconut milk 2 cup
-tempe bosok (old tempe) 50 gr, i don't used it

1. grind together chili, onion, garlic, shrimp and tempeh bosok
2. heat little oil in the pan then saute the paste until fragrant, add lime leaves and galangal
3. add tempe cubes, tofu and black gram dal then pour the coconut milk
4. let it boiled with very low flame and water became thick
5. season with salt and sugar

In Bahasa:

-tempe 200 gr, potong2
-tahu 1 blok, potong kmd goreng sampe kering
-kacang tolo 50 gr, rebus sampe lunak dan hancurkan
-daun jeruk 2
-laos 2 cm, keprek
-bawang merah kecil 6
-bawang putih 4
-cabe merah 6
-kemiri 3
-ebi 1 tsp
-garam dan gula sedikit
-santan 2 cup
-tempe busuk 50 gr ---> aku ga pake

Cara membuat:
1. haluskan bawang, kemiri, cabe dan ebi bersamaan
2. tumis bumbu sampe harum baunya kemudian masukkan daun jeruk dan laos
3. tambahkan tempe, tahu dan kacang tolo kemudian masukkan santan
4. masak sampe mendidih dengan api kecil dan kuah mengental
5. beri garam dan gula sebagai perasa


  1. wah sambel tumpang.. aku gelem noo... nek aku gæ sambel tumpang pk tempe semanget dadi luih sedep :D dimaem kr bubu wenak tenan kiy..

    tuku nek pasar garek ngemplok yoo ra sah ngeluthek.. tempeku jek sak blok tak eman-eman... suk agustus
    mbuh sept pe tak masak soale oktober aku mudik :p...

    wisata kuliner tenan aku,po meneh 'omah'ku cedak pasar muk 5 menit mlaku :)SENJATAku mesti tak tenteng kiy tuku CF ato SD sek GBne gede ben muat poto okeh..

    wups sori kokean yo komentku hihihi..

  2. pengen bikin juga ahhhhhhh, kebetulan punya tempe kiriman dari Nana :D

  3. Ag: waduh enjoy mudik mu yo, ketemuan karo kunti semarang no??? huhuhuhu sirikkk aku ga mulih ke tahun iki :((

    ojolali oleh2 yo Yind :D

    Sefa: waaaaa asik banget dikirimin tempe nana, bikin deh sefa dimakan ama bubur enak enan :)

  4. doyyannnnnnnnn....cuma tempe disini susah..;(((

  5. wah...enakkkkkk...aku jg mau bikin ah..kebetulan abis pesen tempe..td barusan dikirim..

  6. lia.....mauuuuuuuuuu....kapan2 daku contex yahhh
