
Dadar telur ala warteg (omellete warteg's style)


Warteg means small restaurant along the street side in Indonesia. Is common restaurant which is serving varieties of menu but in budget price. Five years back, when i was studied in Yogya, i used to eat from warteg. One of my favorite menu was stir fried vegetables and omellete with steam jasmine rice. The omellete's warteg did not soggy, the secret is only by adding flour and its really luscious :D

-egg 3, beaten for a sec
-spring onion chopped

grind together
-2 red thai chili
-3 small onion
-garlic 1
-salt as required

make a paste
-1 1/2 spoon flour
-2 table spoon water

Mix all the ingiderents with beaten egg, and fry with little oil until brown colour both side
serve with jasmine rice


  1. endog dadar kandel yoo.... hmm yummi... eh lia iku ada yg dikasi tepung n ada yg dikasi kelapa parut.
    Bien tonggoku kost dikasi tepung dadi kandel gitu. sek pedes wenak tenan

  2. ngilerr bin pengennn...tar aku bikin juga ahh..:P tapi kalo bikin ini bakalan nambah terus nasinya...:(((

  3. aduhhhhh...sukaan ku telur dadar pedes ini liaaaaaaaa...ach jd pgn buat lg.

  4. I've used up the eggs last week! The next time I stock them, gotta try this :) Thanks.
