
Orange puding

Here orange season has come, we brought orange last week and still left over in my kitchen. I got no idea what to do with all the orange we had. Finally i made orange pudings which is easy to prepare and good dessert for sunny day in Abu Dhabi :)

Orange juice (from fresh fruit)500 cc, sugar (as u liked), water 400cc, 1 agar agar swallow globe, vanila essence few drops

Mix all the ingiderents and bring to boil, pour in the puding moul and let it cool. Keep in the refigerator before serving.


  1. wakakakakka...elo mah pudding terus :p

  2. abis bisanya cuman bikin puding xixixiixixixi makanya ajarin dunk gw bikin bf :p

  3. blue film? kekekkeek *belaga oon*

  4. ym: emang apa bedanya yellow film ama blue fim?? "sok lugu" wakakakakkakaka

  5. buahahahha...
    blue film itu...pelem kecebur ke blau
    yellow film itu pelem kecebur ke curry kekeeke

  6. Wahh..memanfaatkan jeruk ya Lia, segerrr lah. Apple Pie ku juga memanfaatkan apel di kulkas, udah nggak ada yg mo makan..hi..hi, di bikin kue langsung amblas deh.

  7. ym: hush makin ngaco ajah kita xixixiixixixi..btw kapan dunk gw diajrin bikin bf, black forest loh :p

    Retno: buah kalo agak kelamaan ga dimakan kalo dah jadi puding atau pie pasti cepet abisnya, tukeran yuk puding ama pienya aku ngiler :D

  8. This looks really refreshing!
