
Baked Chicken & Potato

This is baked chicken and potato lebanese style. I got this recipe from one of my collage. Easy to follow and yummy indeed. There are somany variety of vegetables u can grill as acompanion such us tomato, zuchini, onion, or eggplant. Serve warm with green salad and humus!

Chicken 1 kg cut into 8-10 pieces, potato 1/2 kg cut round, lemon 1, garlic 3 crushed, salt as required, chili powder 3 tsp (optional), 2 spoon olive oil.

Wash and clean chicken then keep aside. Mix together lemon juice with garlic, salt and chili powder. Add litle water then marinate chicken for min 15-30 min. Arrange potato sliced in the bottom of oven pan and then arrange marinated chicken on the top of it and sprinkle with olive oil all over chicken. baked for one hour until chicken get cooked and brown colour both side.


  1. gw kentangnya aja deh *pura2 diet*

  2. Ym: yakin kentangnya doang??? ayamnya emfukk lo nyesel ga nyobain "setan diet" :p

  3. Hmm..kayaknya praktis juga ya Lia, pake cengkeh juga ya. Btw, cengkeh bisa buat obat juga lho. Kemaren gusiku bengkak, terus aku gerusin cengkeh campur air, dimasak sampe mendidih, aku buat kumur2. Besoknya kempes deh tuh bengkak, tapi klo sakit berlanjut ya ke dokter gigi lah. Lhooo..apa hubungannya ya...hi..hi.

  4. That looks pretty easy and quick to make. I like how you added chili powder - I love spicy food as well!

  5. Retno: duh maap salah nulis maksudnya 2 buah garlic koq jadi nulis cengkeh sih heheheheh udah aku edit resepnya ;)

    btw soal cengkih makasih ya atas tipsnya, aku kudu kasi tau mamiku nih soale beliau langganan sakit gigi, aku beruntung belom pernah sakit gigi dan ga mau heheheheh

    Wokandspoon: Its very easy dish and yummy also. i loved spicy food too so i added chili powder :)
