
Stir fry bihun


Bihun or rice noodles were known as Chinese – Indonesian dish. You can make stir fry or just simple soup. I’ve tried something different by adding Indonesian spices, good recommendation for those who love spicy food and simple preparation for quick dinner ;)

-bihon ( rice noodle) 1 packaged, soaked in the hot water for few minutes
-chicken shreded 1 cup
-cabbage choped 1/2 cup
-spring onion for sprinke
-chicken broth

ground to paste:
-chili 5
-garlic 4
-onion small 5
-kemiri (candle nuts) 3
-ebi (small shrimp) 1 tsp
-turmeric pow 1/2 tsp
-salt as required


1. heat litle oil in the pan then saute the paste until transculent

2. add shreded chicken and cabbage

3. add chicken broth and stir with high flame for 2 min

4. Reduce heat to low and add rice noodles, tossing gently (wooden spoons work best) until cooked through and well blended, approximately 3 minutes

5. seasoned with salt and in the end sprinkle the spring onion

6. serve hot


  1. I love stir-fry bihun! I like your version too!

  2. doyan nih...tapi biasa bikin yang coklat tua karena pake kecap manis banget hahaha

    tapi aku bener2 deh pemalas...bikin bihun goreng aja malesnya minta amfun hehehe

  3. Uenaaaakk tenan jeng, jadi pingin maem kiy (^_^)

  4. Liaa....bihun mah paporittt...:D, tapi ini loh kalo bikin kecapnya suka ga rata hikksss....punyamu bagus bihunnya :D

  5. Oh bihun kuning..pake kunyit..hm..patut dicoba..
    buat Elsye..biasanya aku nyampur kecapnya pas bihunnya habis direbus..jd engga di penggorengan..ditambah minyak dikit trus sama kecap dan diaduk2 ampe rata..biarin msh di dlm tirisan...
    Kalo nambahin kecapnya pas masak ya memang chance u/ engga ratanya tinggi ya...gitu deh..

  6. Little corner: thanks. i guess everybody love bihun right? ;)

    Rita: hhehehe sama dunk :D namanya males enakan tinggal maem ya

    Judith: hayuk mampir mba ;)

    Elsye: coba deh baca koment lidia bener banget aku juga gitu :)

    Lidia: thanks lidia aku juga sama koq caranya kaya kamu

  7. maraki pgn gæ wæ.scr wingi bar tuku bihun sak plastik nerk wai wai nek thai store :D
